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Dodo Response with Links -- Friday August 3rd, 2018

Social Media Response with links.

***I am adding this new post to show the original articles and several links to other sites.***

There have been several articles recently published with both true and false information about my rescue, implying that we are a "new” and “fake” rescue who only sells “puppy mill” dogs. We have ALWAYS been honest about the source from which our dogs/puppies are acquired. I am not a highly dramatic person. I will stick to the facts and you can draw your own conclusion. Links to articles.

https://www.thedodo.com/close-to-home/puppy-mill-dogs-sold-as-rescues Article by ELIZABETH CLAIRE ALBERTS

FACT- There are many sources in which rescues acquire their animals for resale. There are those who go directly to licensed dog auctions with donation money and purchase puppies, pregnant dogs, or young adults: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/investigations/dog-auction-rescue-groups-donations/?utm_term=.2436fd14e74c or https://www.donaldwatkins.com/articles-1/how-ingram-s-cavalier-rescue-group-pulled-it-off . There are those who source their animals from foreign importation: http://www.thedogplace.org/SHELTERS/Shelter-Imports_Witouski-102.asp There are those who get them directly from shelters and those , like me and National Mill Dog Rescue , who get them directly from breeders. ALL rescues are in the business of finding a pet home for a dog or cat that would not otherwise have one. This is America and you have the right to choose what type of and from where you would like to obtain your new pet.

FACT Many self-proclaimed, Anti “puppy mill” activists ONLY protest, blog, and try to spread their agenda through social media. These activists are ALWAYS asking for donations. Donations for what? Many rarely handle ANY animals. Sadly, they maintain a mob mentality and go after anyone who does not share their beliefs or opinions. I personally cannot understand how people can claim to love animals but feel that certain ones do not deserve a second chance and should be killed simply because they have issues, or because they were born in a breeding facility.

A lot of Animal Rights Activists have a personal vendetta against JAKS/Hobo K9 Rescue and breeders. They claim that I am a “new” and “fake” Rescue who purchases and sells dogs from JAKS. I have had a nonprofit status since 2007, which does NOT meet the definition of “new” or “fake”. However, I do obtain for re-homing, as I legally hold ALL necessary licenses and permits. Since I do NOT beg for or receive donations, I must charge an Adoption Fee to cover the expense of delivery, proper vetting, feeding, shots and medicine required for providing you a healthy pet. This “fee” is less than a pet purchased from a store or directly from a breeder, but enough to cover care expenses and promote responsible ownership. Proper pet care and ownership requires a financial responsibility by the adopter, as a “free” pet has no value and is easily discarded.

Here is my 2016 990 that is available for public viewing: https://www.guidestar.org/FinDocuments/201f6/261/551/2016-261551120-0e53b217-Z.pdf Would you like to view a comparison of other rescue groups? https://www.facebook.com/CaRPOC.CaliforniaResponsiblePetOwnersCoalition/photos/a.308200192548088.81097.141644799203629/1968205789880845/?type=3&theater .

FACT- Breeders are being forced to dispose of their “unusable” dogs because Animal Rights Activists believe ANY breeder who keeps a retired animal for a pet is somehow “cruel”. I have been taking both puppies and ADULTS from JAKS and several other breeders for MANY years. There are A LOT of breeders who WANT to work with a rescue group to place their dogs that are not suitable to be sold thru retail or bred. However, many rescues are also being forced to NOT work with breeders in re-homing because of the drama and craziness involved, such as mentioned in these articles.

The DODO article refers a German Shepherd with a hematoma that an undercover operative, named “Pete” stated "Sadly, these are the dogs being sold to groups like East Coast Humane Society." What is the definition of rescue? Rescue: means to save someone or something from a dangerous, harmful, or difficult situation. We are Happy to take dogs in this condition or worse. It is not sadly for that German Shepherd or others that make their way to rescue and then to a loving home.

We help dogs from breeders regardless of their condition or location. They deserve a home and a chance for happiness as much as any other dog. We have chosen to have a good working relationship with many VETERINARIANS and BREEDERS in order to HELP these types of dogs. This is what we care about as per our mission statement. Although we also help some shelter dogs, owner surrenders from accidental breeding, we specialize in breeder retirees and puppies who were “rejected” for retail sale. Do you believe these animals deserve to be afforded the opportunity to find a loving pet home thru a rescue or do you believe that they should only be euthanized?

IN CONCLUSION- We try to offer a positive outcome and/or solution for a dog who may not have other options without our help. Fortunately, my adopters are made fully aware of where our dogs were born, and they CHOOSE to adopt them regardless. It does not matter if a dog was born in a home, on the street, in a trash can, or from a commercial breeder, as they are all worthy of our love. Do you agree?


The Dodo Response -- Thursday August 2nd, 2018

There have been several articles recently released on social media, that have posted both true and false information about my rescue. They imply that we are a "New, shady rescue who sells puppy mill dogs".
We have ALWAYS been honest about the source from which our dogs/puppies are acquired. I am not a highly dramatic person, I will stick to the facts and you can draw your own conclusion. A simple search of our FAQ's on our website or Facebook would have yielded that information. Research that any legitimate reporter should and could have found.
Many Animal Rights Activist are after JAKS/Hobo K9 Rescue. They have “discovered” that we are acquiring puppies and dogs from JAKS/Hobo K9 Rescue. They are publishing that I am a "NEW Fake Rescue" who purchases and resells dogs from her in articles about Pet Stores selling Rescue pups in states that do not allow puppies to be sold from breeders. We require applications and do not just adopt to anyone.
FACT The fact that I acquire dogs from JAKS is not new news, as I have been taking both puppies AND adults from her FOR MANY YEARS, as well as MANY OTHER BREEDERS! There are A LOT of breeders who want to work with rescues to place their dogs, who are not suitable to be sold or bred. Many choose NOT to work with rescues because of the drama and craziness that they must endure in order to get their dogs placed into rescue to be re-homed. I am not doing ANYTHING illegal or wrong. I have been doing this and have had non profit status since 2007, hardly a "new rescue". I hold all necessary licenses/permits.
Truth is breeders are going to dispose of their dogs in some way or another whether I take them or not. We live in a free country. If you do not want to adopt a dog who was born in a breeding facility, then go somewhere else. I do not understand how people can claim to love animals, but feel that they should be killed simply because they have issues, or because they were born in a breeding facility. All of my adopters are made fully aware of where our dogs were born and they CHOOSE to adopt them regardless. They are good people and also feel that all animals deserve a chance.
The Dodo article refers a German Shepherd with a hematoma where an undercover operative, named Pete states, "Sadly, these are the dogs being sold to groups like East Coast Humane Society". My response is “NO PETE, IT IS NOT SADLY FOR THE DOGS!” We are HAPPY and will continue to take dogs in this condition and much worse. This is what rescue is truly about. Helping dogs regardless of their condition, pedigree or location. They deserve a home and a chance as much as any other dog. What do you propose their fate should be, Pete?
FACT There are hundreds of dogs and puppies who have a plethora of issues; too old, heart murmur, bad bite, non producing, bad knees, etc. They deserve a home!
FACT Many of these self proclaimed, "Anti puppy mill warriors" only protest, blog, and try to spread their agenda through social media, and most ALWAYS ask for a donation. A donation for what? They rarely handle ANY animals. They have mob mentality and go after anyone who does not share their opinion. We have chosen instead to have a good working relationship with many VETS AND BREEDERS in order TO HELP THE DOGS. This is what we care about. Many who post are looking to boost their own ego through "their good deeds". You will notice one who always talks about how many times SHE or HER group was mentioned in articles or TV News reports in her self aggrandizing posts.
There are also MANY RESCUES purchasing from auction and paying LARGE amounts of money for their specific rescue breed. They are buying puppies, young and pregnant. I choose not to do this in my rescue. However, I am being singled out, my rescue harassed and condemned for taking the "rejects" that no one else wanted? Really? Do I judge them or care, No. Their choice to help whomever and what ever dogs they choose.
POINT IS We try to offer a positive outcome/solution for a dog who may not have other options without our help. Fortunately, our adopters feel the same. It does not matter if a dog was born in a home, on the street, trash can, puppy mill, commercial breeder. They all deserve a chance to have a family.
We hope you will continue to support our rescue so we can continue to help the puppies, adult dogs, seniors and cats we care for on a daily basis.
Thank you for considering one of our rescues!
echspets [ at ] gmail.com